Archives for April 2019

Mankind’s 5 Ways to Enhance Your High

woman smoking cannabis
Make your high a little better

Life Is About Adventure

Is your normal way of using cannabis just getting a little stale? Life is often categorized into routines, and our cannabis habits are no different.Just because you’ve gotten used to consuming in one way doesn’t mean you can’t have a new experience. The next time you pick up your favorite flower or vape from your local San Diego dispensary like Mankind think about this list. Here are five ways you can enhance your high and take it to the next level.

1. Ingest Terpenes

Terpenes are chemical components found in cannabis that produce its smell and modulate the effects of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids. They possess aroma-therapeutic effects, and strains or forms of consumption which are high in terpenes create a unique experience. This all depends on which terpenes are in that strain. Terpenes like Myrcene and Linalool create calming and sedating effects and thus are closely affiliated with Indica strains. Limonene and Pinene possess uplifting and focusing qualities and are often associated with sativa strains. Consuming terpenes through raw inhalation or vaporizing them in a diffuser, while consuming cannabis, can help intensify and change the direction of your high.

2. Try Different Consumption Methods

District Edibles cannabis infused gummy

Constantly smoking out of your favorite pipe or only munching on edibles can give you a similar high every time you imbibe in cannabis. They say “variety is the spice of life” for a reason, and it is no different for cannabis. If you’re used to smoking joints, pipe loads, or bong hits then you should try edibles like Kushy Punch gummies or Kiva chocolate bars which will take longer to kick in but will last much longer and can hit in a more intense fashion than smoking. If you’re used to vaping cartridges or concentrates, try a tincture from Outco brands or Care By Design. Tinctures are liquid drops that go under the tongue which reach full effect in around 30 minutes. Different consumption methods provide different pros and cons, so have fun experimenting with new ingestion options.

3. Smoke Some Hash man!

Cannabis concentrates, often known as hash, hash oil, water hash, dabs, distillate, etc. are extracts which boasts much higher cannabinoid levels than your typical cannabis flower. Concentrates are also higher in terpenes, which we learned earlier have THC-modulating effects. The higher presence of both cannabinoids and terpenes means a longer high and more uniquely intense experience. Smoking or vaporizing concentrates like Raw Garden Hash Oil Sauce (insert link to online ordering raw garden sauce) on their own or adding them to your flower will certainly give you a potent high you won’t forget.

4. Consume Before Exercising

cannnabis couple dispensary
Fit couple taking a break

They days of labeling cannabis consumers as “lazy stoners” are long gone. Many users find that ingesting cannabis before a workout can not only improve their focus on the task at hand but can also enhance the high they experience during and after a workout. Studies have shown that cardio exercise can increase blood-THC levels by 15% when cannabis is in your system. Additionally, consuming THC and CBD after a workout can help quicken the recovery process so that you’ll be back to toking and training in no time.

5. When All Else Fails, Take a Tolerance Break

Our bodies love cannabis. It triggers our endocannabinoid system and helps find the missing pieces our body needs to reach homeostasis. This means our bodies hold on to cannabinoids for a long time, building a tolerance to cannabinoids. This is why you may notice your high is not as intense as when you first opened that eighth or took your first drag of your new cartridge. Stopping cannabis for two days out of the month can help reset your system and make it more receptive when you start consuming again. Even taking a minor break can produce a noticeable intensity when you decide to roll up again.

So the next time you decide to relax and toke up with a joint or hit your vaporizer, consider trying some of these ways to boost your high. Reset things and give yourself a unique cannabis experience. You can always come talk with us at Mankind Dispensary too. We are happy to assist in finding the next new product or consumption method to enhance your high.

About the author: Zac is a cannabis devotee and one of our lead cannabis consultants at Mankind Dispensary. He is San Diego county born and raised (Carlsbad) and has been a professional in the cannabis industry for 8 years. You can find him on instagram at .

Understanding Cannabinoid Test Results and “Total Active Cannabinoids”

weed testing for cannabinoids
Testing for cannabinoids

So, you’re at Mankind and you’re looking through the 50+ plus strains of marijuana the dispensary has on the flower wall. You end up with a bag of Sonoma Pacific’s Alien Rock Candy in your hands, and find it has a “Total Active Cannabinoids” of 21.04%. What does this number actually mean? What does “active” mean in this case? As consumers we are often looking for high THC percentage, yet THC makes up only a portion of the percentage of total cannabinoids. What else makes up a plant’s Total Active Cannabinoids, and why is this number important?

As mentioned in one of our previous blog posts, Rob’s “Cannabinoid Reference Guide and Breakdown”, cannabinoids are the main chemical component that gives cannabis its effects. There are over 85 cannabinoids documented by science. Some of the most common ones are THC (delta9-THC), CBD, CBN, CBG, and THCV. Each strain has what we call a Cannabinoid Profile, or the amount of each cannabinoid present in that specific strain. This profile is typically what testing results are referring to when listing a strain’s percentage of Total Active Cannabinoids.

What are “active” cannabinoids?

Companies like Sonoma Pacific, who cultivate cannabis flower, list “Total Active Cannabinoids,” along with levels of delta9-THC and CBD. However, listing delta9-THC on flower can be confusing. Total Active Cannabinoids on most Sonoma strains range from 15%-32%, yet delta9-THC is often listed around 0.3%-5%. If levels of THC dominate most cannabinoid profiles, why is the delta9-THC so low?

weed from sonoma pacific at mankind dispensary
Marijuana flower from Sonoma Pacific

To answer this, we must address the descriptive words used in test results; more specifically, what the term “Active” means in the context of cannabinoids. Cannabis does not produce delta-9-THC, but its precursor THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinolic-acid). THCa becomes “active” after going through the process of decarboxylation, where heat energy is applied to the THCa (usually during the smoking or vaporizing method of consumption). Here the acidic portion of the non-psychoactive THCa is removed. The THC can now be processed by the body to create the euphoric, pain-relieving and calming experience we all know and love. Other cannabinoids with acidic properties are also activated in the decarboxylation process.

However, referring to decarboxylation as activation should not cause you to think a cannabinoid’s acidic form is useless. Cannabinoids in this form are able to be processed by the body, and produce beneficial medical effects. Yet they do not create the psychoactive and more powerful effect most users are looking for from their cannabis. Common terminology has simply referred to THC as the popular and readily desired chemical. This is why a more accurate labeling of THC in a finished flower will be Total Potential Cannabinoids and will isolate the detected amounts of THCa combined with THC.

marijuana vape carts local dispensary
Marijuana in oil form

What else is in a cannabinoid profile?

When listing isolated cannabinoids most companies will only provide potential THC and CBD percentages in the plant, as they are the most well-known and sought-after cannabinoids. Unless selectively bred otherwise, most cannabinoid profiles will be dominated by THC and low in CBD and other minor cannabinoids. Yet when you add up these other 85 phytocannabinoids potentially present in that strain, they can make up around 2%-15+%, of the total cannabinoid profile. Though small in comparison to the levels of potential THC (often around 10%-30+%), these others can have a major influence on the type of high and experience you get from consuming that specific strain.

These complex and infinitely unique effects are why it is important to individually list the levels of all potential cannabinoids in a specific strain. As conscious cannabis consumers searching through dispensaries in San Diego like Mankind, we hope the future brings more accurate testing and transparency. The listing of major and minor cannabinoid levels will help to better understand how the cannabis we are inhaling will affect us. Knowing what ratios of specific cannabinoids work best for your body can create a more consistent and fulfilling experience. It can also make shopping for the perfect strain at Mankind a bit easier.

About the author: Zac is a cannabis devotee and one of our lead cannabis consultants at Mankind Dispensary. He is San Diego county born and raised (Carlsbad) and has been a professional in the cannabis industry for 8 years. You can find him on instagram at .

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